Post by newsreaderPost by DerekPost by Joe BridgehousePost by DerekPost by Sarah CooperPlease sign the petition to the government to build a permanent site and
move the 2012 Olympic Shooting sports venue away from Woolwich Barracks.
For more details and to sign please go to
The govt has a track record of ignoring petitions no matter how many
signatories are attached.The website in my opinion is just another PR
excercise. I have signed up for a number of campaigns and the smarmy replies
I got afterwards all had a common theme, thank you for wasting your time but
we are ignoring your concerns becuase we are about to do continue based on
the flawed information we already had , the damming information you supply
is too late sonny .
The only thing they understand is publicity ( explains a 300% increase in
press officers at #10) shine a light on their stupidity and they will take
notice. Show a huge saving in funds and benefits after the event and spamm
every news office you can find.Start with the locals and the shooting press
who are more likely to pick it up, then the dailys.
I've never been able to understand the "I'm all right Jack attitude"
that shooters display when sections of shooting are under threat.
The treatment I've received from my local housing has national
implications for anyone in rented housing. I've been threatened with
eviction because I have a drug dealer next door, who has a steady
stream of customers 24/7, whom I complained about. Because I
complained the housing trust took action against me. My local police
firearms were furious at their authority being circumvented, but
health and safety was used as a means, it was feared I might shoot the
druggies, I found this insulting and defamatory.
Yet during the fight I've been involved in no one has offered any
advice, even though as I've said there are National implications in
the fight I'm having, for anyone in rented housing
My MP is very concerned about the situation, and he is the Sports
He also has a friend in the same housing trust who shoots.
I have written to Shooting mags about this, but they don't publish,
cos they say its a personal matter, but it dont alter the fact that my
new Krieghoff is 30 Fucking miles away and not on my licence.
Surely the housing trust are infringing your human rights
Human Rights Act 1998
Article 7 No punishment without law
1 No one shall be held guilty of any criminal offence on account of any act
or omission which did not constitute a criminal offence under national or
international law at the time when it was committed. Nor shall a heavier
penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the criminal
offence was committed.
2 This Article shall not prejudice the trial and punishment of any person
for any act or omission which, at the time when it was committed, was
criminal according to the general principles of law recognised by civilised
Article 8 Right to respect for private and family life
1 Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his
home and his correspondence.
2 There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of
this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in
a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or
the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or
crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the
rights and freedoms of others.
Article 17 Prohibition of abuse of rights
Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as implying for any State,
group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed
at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein or at
their limitation to a greater extent than is provided for in the Convention.
and by any disclosure that you own firearms to them somebody else is in
breach of data protection?
HRA seems to cover it but how to use it without it costing mega money ??
Local Authorities regularly ignore the Law. Local Government is a
cesspit since HMG pushed down responsibility for so many things.
The drug dealer is still in business I presume. So his 'rights' to
pursue his scumbag trade are protected apparently.
Can't help but wonder why the police have not just raided him and put
him out of business..
I believe the Inland Revenue always follow up anonymous tips, I wonder
of the dealer declares all his income...
It is a scandalous situation but is in line with the reasons why HMG
will spend millions on a temporary facility for the Games and then tear
it down. Regulars here will remember well that the beeb could not
broadcast live a MAJOR event due to 'technical issues' when it was
beamed live to Australia (as Mr Diamond was in the running).
the fact is that for years HMG have had a dictat that NOTHING will
happen that puts shooting in a good light. As for wasting millions on
this temporary facility - they do not care, after all it is not their
money it is ours.
Meanwhile gun crime rises....which HMG uses relentlessly to berate 'gun
The politics behind this is the reason Joe is in this scandalous
situation and is the reason that no-one in authority wants to champion it.
Come the lottery I would pay for a good HR lawyer to take on his case,
Mrs Blair maybe... Best bet is his MP but as they are a Minister the
chances of them actually rocking the boat seem small.
No concrete help for Joe in my tirade but sometimes you gotta 'launch'.
The fire eating lawyer probably his only real chance IMV. As the
background to this is national as Joe rightly says I suppose it would
take publicity and some fund raising to pay for it.
Come the lottery you have my promise Joe.
I have been to solicitors, but as soon as you mention the word
firearm, they don't want to know, "Go to citizens advice" is all I
I hope the sports minister comes good for me. He says the trust are on
very dodgey ground because of the fact that I've been here since 1996,
and my original tenancy was with Tameside MBC, who then sold off all
their housing stock to a trust called New charter in 2001, they
apparently moved the goal posts.
The Minister says he's concerned for he doesn't know of any other
housing trust who have taken this stand, and it does have National
implications, he also suggested I contact the CPSA and inquire if the
insurance covered taking legal action, it doesn't.
The drug dealer has been raided 3 times twice by armed response teams,
for he does have handguns, he's shown me, but the police have never
found anything, draw your own conclusions, I have. The Minister also
asked for my licensing officers name and tel No, he was going to ask
them for an explaination.
I shall be moving next year, and I wont have this problem, but I have
to see this through, cos I'm stubborn, and I've been treated
I've been in touch with Alan Rhone for a spare stock for the K80, its
beautiful, so at least I'll have a bit of my gun at home.
New Charter say no gun, legal or not, part of, ammunition, within
100yds of my home, they can go swivel when I'm rubbing the stock.