David Christensen
2008-03-24 23:23:17 UTC
How long do people expect cartridges to keep (in good not-cold, dry
conditions)? I discovered some 3-year-old Gamebore Blue Diamonds at the
back of the cartridge cupboard recently, tried them in practice, liked
them (although the missus had one misfire in her gun), so shot them in
competition and had two mis-fires in 75. Could this just be age? Or a
duff batch. I'm trying to remember why I moved away from Blue Diamonds,
and I have a nagging suspicion it could have been misfires, but I'm not
sure. Surely 3 years isn't enough for them to go "off"?
conditions)? I discovered some 3-year-old Gamebore Blue Diamonds at the
back of the cartridge cupboard recently, tried them in practice, liked
them (although the missus had one misfire in her gun), so shot them in
competition and had two mis-fires in 75. Could this just be age? Or a
duff batch. I'm trying to remember why I moved away from Blue Diamonds,
and I have a nagging suspicion it could have been misfires, but I'm not
sure. Surely 3 years isn't enough for them to go "off"?