come down but you could still try.
Post by superxTim
I had this problem over ten years ago and when I took it to Hull they had
never seen it before - in the time it was there another three turned up-
or was that mag tube - age is getting to me
If you want to keep with the 1187 I would buy a second hand one as it will
only be a few quid more than barrel -- I got one out of Sporting gun and
he was desperate to get rid of it as he had no one interested in it at the
time (£275) so just check the magazine's and then push them for there
sudden death price.
Mine functioned flawlesly except for barrel split - mag tube coming out
twice -two action sleeves- two action bars -bolt lock -firing pins- link
bars (loads) - forend supports - piston rings till new clip together ones
came out - buffer on back bolt - and in end action bar wore through side
of receiver just under ejection port. - every time I got in cage I had to
lay a white sheet on floor to see what bit's had come out. - Having said
all that it was the best pointing shooting gun I have ever had.
Post by Tim GuyPost by superxTim
I had a 1187 sporting clays and that was one of many problems I had
with it - I was lucky as Hull cart the importers at time replaced it
- you could try putting a free ad in back of sporting gun or do what
I did and got another 1187 - but if that was me I would cut my loss's
and go 391 or Browning gold. - you could sell bits but scrap barrel
and receiver.- very nice handling gun but guns made from baked bean
tins don't last long.
Hi Dave
Really? You had the same problem? Intresting.
The only other problems Ive had is loosing 2 piston washers in a year
(maybe caused this failure, maybe....)
Well that and it sill jamed once in a while. Cured with cheap shells with
abit of kick to them.
Ive written a sob letter to Remington to see if they are willing to do
As I said in my letter. The weight, even the feeling of the recoil was
all smooth and felt right.
When my gun failed I endeed up using a Browning gold for the rest of the
shoot and the reload felt like the Remington jamming. If was souless and
being a semi shooter for such a long time almost felt remote, like an
over under does to me.
Im still searching for a FE A5, and am considering just getting a 150
quid fixed choke one just as a taster to see if I like it. Kick myself
now. There was a 100quid A5 in the local dealer 6 months back. I should
of got it after all.
I see that Remington have bought out a G3 1100, but we're starting to get
into the money relm again. As it stands Ill have to sit on my hands for 3
months to be able to afford the new barrel let alone a new gun. (sigh,
and that bring me to Christmas doesnt it, so thats an even longer time
scale. Its looking like an old sh!tter side'b'side for 50 quid for the
time being.....)
Anyone got a side'b'side I can sanddown and use? <Chortle>