Post by David Christensen*Date:* Wed, 1 Aug 2007 23:11:32 +0100
Post by Joe BridgehouseAre their any CPSA stipulations regarding target colour, cant find
anything on their website.
The rules for the disciples in clay shooting refer to the ISSF
regulations. They say:-
"The color of the targets may be all black, all white, all
yellow, all orange; or the full dome may be painted white, yellow, or
orange; or a ring may be painted around the dome in white, yellow or
The color of the clay target must be specified in all programs
for ISSF Championships. The color of a target which is selected for an
ISSF Championship must be clearly visible against the background of the
range under all normal lighting conditions. The same color targets must
be used for training. Clay Targets filled with colored powder must be
used in the Finals and must meet the same specification."
Hope this helps.
(It was cut & pasted from their document so read color as colour.)
I'll have to claim a refund for the green clays I've shot at then :)
Great.......I think you've both confirmed I had grounds to be pissed
off on Sun, Green clays, against a Green background on two stands.
When you're colour blind on, red, like myself and a lot of
the male population the targets were invisible, I called for the bird,
only to hear "its gone mate", I walked off the stand and told the
marker to score all as lost, the same on the other stand 16 birds in
all. I have written to the CPSA and pull magazine saying that there
would be plenty of complaints if stands were set for only 6'4"
shooters or only right handed (mind you David might like that he's
about that) and in my opinion targets should be clearly visible, for
all shooters.
I will wait for the reaction, cos I might just add a bit to George
Digweeds observations on cheating, and include the grounds that have
done it, the CPSA doing nothing about it, plus the ex British
champion who buried a stolen Range Rover.