Post by Tim GuyOlympic Trap? What a laugh. Only shot it a couple of times (with a
sporter), but I'm in danger of getting seriously hooked on it.
Is Olympic trap simular to DTL>>
Yes, but dedicated trap shooters will shun you if you say that.
It is faster (iirc, the clays travel 70yards, compared to the 50 of
DTL), and there are 5 traps, instead of the one, so the clays can be at
more of an angle, especially at stands 1 and 5.
I look at it as just trap shooting, of which all disciplines are much
the same - I've done ABT and UT on subsequent weekends, and couldnt
really tell the difference, but each discipline has its fanatics who
will only do that one tyoe of shooting, and nothing else is as good.
Oh, it is the Leics. UT champs at Rugby DTC (just off Junc 18 o the M1)
on Sunday, entries 9:30-11am - all welcome, not just Leics. shooters.
And still on the trap shooting topic - why are you allowed to fire off a
couple of shots 'to clear your gun' on trap disciplines?
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