Post by superxTim
You was probably like a kid in a toy shop when you bought it --just
saw the shiny paint and never looked for the rust. - If I remember
right isn't there a cover that goes over the spring to stop it coming
off? The 1187 Premier I had was very nose heavy compared to 1187 sporting
clays and when I saw that spring bypass valve I got another spring
and drilled two holes in lug of the SC's - cut spring down a bit to
fit and it worked a treat - bled off a lot of excess gas from action-
never had jamming problems just breakages.
Haven't been to Wedgenock for a year or so - is it tidy or have they
improved it any.
The one Ive got in for repair has a cover at the end of the mag. I actually
thought that was to support the forearm but now you said that it all became
clear and yes this one hasnt got that.. I was just going to drop abit of
threadlock on it as Im never going to shoot Mags.
The extra 2" does make it alittle top heavy. Not sure I could do a day of
100+ birds.
I love to silver finish on those SCs. Id love to have ago on one. Didnt
realise they were lighter... Hmmm... Might have to go out searching
Ive got a Beretta 626 32" DTL O/U I need to loose at some stage as well as
this 30" remi but Im still holding out for the 105CTi. I asked Edgar
Brothers what the deal is but they said theyve still only got the one
pre-production eval. I just wonder if UK gunclubs will get funny about no
breech exit when trying to show the guns empty. Also this G3 1100 is also
out....<Wheres that lottery ticket>
Wedgeknock now have covered stands (very big covered stands, that can get a
party of 4+ under as well as the shooter). Its of course still open layout
cross some of the off road section but its become very popular again. The
high tower is a treat, and also cause for much swearing.....
We shoot Barby on a Wednesday but now the lights comming in (come in) its
good to get up to Wedgeknock on a sunday morning for a quick 60. We
sometimes go over to Bromsgrove as we've got a friend there but I wouldnt
want to do that to often as most of it is short distance stuff.